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Screenshot 2024-03-16 at

Hello. Here are images and a version in progress. This project is a draft, an essay which is until now in the state of research, of experimentation.

It is a mixture, an aesthetic DIY combined with a giant puzzle.

Anassara takes place in a seemingly remote world, far from post-industrial technology. It is a world of a mysterious society that has disappeared due to the extraction of a resource by an anonymous entity and whose foundation we must understand to navigate it.

We are an alien type and our ship made of ice is shattered above a desert planet where everything is in ruins.

A people lived here and they mastered the light very intelligently. However, an evil gnaws at the lowlands of the city, the well, the field, all the buildings are abandoned, as if everyone had fled overnight. At night, a strange world appears. There is no longer any trace of the inhabitants, only dark spirits. Their history hanging on the wall, their culture and all these strange buildings will allow us to solve puzzles.

In Anassara we will have to understand and solve the various systems in order to master and move the light. It seems that here the climate has stopped, that it is blocked and that the ancient inhabitants guide us towards an unknown league through different elaborate systems. From dawn to night, through the boards we cross a mysterious world. Sometimes strange and dangerous, sometimes playful and breathtaking.

This world is silent, includes various physical and agricultural systems, it is a contemplation and a desire to transport us to the soul of a desert.

It is a political observation on what energy is and its future. And the action that we can take to use it in a different way.

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The boards are made with a multitude of techniques. Drawing, painting, photomontage, AI to produce a whole universe in order to develop a fairly simple story.


A meeting between 2 characters lost in a strange universe who will have to quickly find their senses to save or abandon this place to its sad fate. Replant the fields of the abandoned village, understand the different systems left abandoned, master the light that lead us to a dark night full of surprises.

I'm not a programmer, just a designer of the universe. The development is for the moment stopped for lack of technical means.

120 boards are planned to tell and create the universe. Only about forty are already produced and only 20 are currently implemented in unity. 35 are planned in the current prototype. 6 puzzles are ready to be implemented.

What you will be able to test is an unfinished version. Without puzzles. Not very playable. But that's all I have.






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Natan / Hansi / Jaja

Né dans l’hérault, j'ai vécu la moitié de ma vie en Afrique. Je commence dès l'adolescence à m'imprégner d’un monde onirique et traditionelle. Une passion pour les cultures des mondes premiers et des études à l’ESMA plustard, j'ai continué mes explorations à travers la peinture, la gravure sur cuivre, la vidéo mais aussi la construction, la charpente, l’agriculture. 

Suite à divers rencontres, j'ai décidé de mêler mes passions en éléborant un univers graphique fictionel pouvant se préparer à divers hybridations, films d’animation, vidéos expérimentale, jeu video, illustrations. Mon cursus est large, études de lutherie en Angleterre, étude d’art à Montpellier, maconerie à la chaux ou terre puis travail en maraichage et élévage entre la bretagne et la bourgogne.

Je participe en parallèle à différents projets, illustrations, clips musicale, expositions, gravures et travail de maconerie. Mon envie de mêler le monde du jeu video au visuel arty m'a poussé à commencer la fabrication d’un jeu video d’aventure en 2018 de manière indépendante. 

Toujours à la recherche de nouveaux univers, j'accompagne également Sabrina Sow dans un projet de recherche art et science autour du Cirque équestre avec des propositions visuelles et sonores questionnant la place du cheval et de l’humain dans le spectacle vivant.


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discord: hansidsf#4065

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